About Us

Westfield Park endeavours to develop positive and productive relationships with children, families and its community, building capacity to support improved student achievement. Our Public School Review in October 2021 described the school as ‘exceptional’.

Teachers’ practices are focused on evidence-based approaches that have maximum impact on student learning and engagement. Dedicated staff regularly provide an engaging range of after school activities that promote skill development, confidence growth and active citizenship. Our beautiful physical environment has been thoughtfully designed to provide flexible and welcoming spaces, inviting students, parents and staff to feel pride in the school.

The social, emotional and academic challenges of individual and groups of students are identified and addressed strategically to focus on developing the whole-child. Carefully developed trauma responsive practices demonstrate high levels of care from all staff and support teams.

Facilities & services include:

  • Inviting, purpose-built Kindergarten and Pre-Primary classrooms;
  • Specialist classrooms: STEM, Science, Art and Home Economics;
  • Extension and intervention classes;
  • Multimedia teaching facilities;
  • Well-appointed library;
  • After-School Clubs;
  • Breakfast Club;
  • School Counsellor;
  • School Chaplain;
  • Playgroups;
  • Child & Parent Centre with dedicated early childhood health care and family support;
  • Dental Therapy Unit;
  • Onsite before & after school care and
  • Spacious oval with footy and soccer pitches.

Westfield Park is a trauma responsive school and in 2020 was independently verified as meeting every element of the National Quality Standards.