It is with great pleasure that I welcome you and your child to the Westfield Park Primary School community, whether you are an established family of the school or new to us. Our school aims to provide a quality educational program for each child. The school program is supported by a wide range of teaching, non-teaching and student service staff.
Our school strives to be an effective and efficient centre of learning for its children and one which provides a caring, safe and inclusive environment in which learning can take place. I am confident that our school will provide a high quality individualised experience for every child.
A close, strong and supportive partnership between home and school is an essential requirement of a good education. You will find that the school has an ‘open door’ policy and you are welcome to discuss the needs of your child with the class teacher or myself. This will mostly occur at the start or end of the school day. If you require a little more time to talk more fully, please make an appointment. Please also keep the class teacher or myself informed of anything that may have an impact or bearing on your child’s time at school. The school is committed to the philosophy of ‘Parents as Partners’.
This website contains a wealth of information designed to make the schooling both positive and rewarding for your child, you and the school. I look forward to working alongside you in securing the best possible educational outcomes for your child.
Steve Soames | Principal