Parents, carers families play an important role in the education of our children. The P&C provides services to the school community (such as the canteen & uniform shop). It also raises funds for school resources, organizes events which contribute to the feeling of community in our school and provides a forum for parents to become more informed about educational issues.
Like most P&Cs in public schools, our P&C is affiliated with the WA Council of State School Organisations, which supports us by providing training and guidance to assist the P&C perform its role. WACSSO works to influence the direction of public education to benefit students and gives parents a voice.
Getting involved helps you get to know other school families and your kids will love to know you’re supporting their education.
Don’t think the P&C is anything to do with you? Try this quick quiz:
Have you or your child ever:
- bought a uniform from the uniform shop or donated a pre-loved uniform?
- bought lunch
- enjoyed a sausage sizzle at the faction athletics carnival?
- bought a raffle ticket hoping to win Easter eggs?
- been given a gift your child purchased from the Fathers’ Day Stall?
- bought a cake from a cake stall?
- danced your feet off at a school disco?
See, you’re already supporting the P&C without even knowing it, and we can’t do it without you!
If you’d like to get more involved, there are plenty of opportunities
You may like to:
- assist in the uniform shop
- suggest ideas for fundraising
- offer to help out at an event (you can just offer for a one-off particular event – you don’t have to do it forever!)
- bring your ideas to a meeting
- represent the views of parents
- help out on a stall or at a sausage sizzle
- distribute uniform orders
- put up posters for an event.
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