School Hours & Attendance

8.45 am – Classes Commence
10.45 am – Morning recess
11.05 am – End recess
1.05 pm – Lunch
1.35 pm – End lunch 
3.00 pm – Classes Finish: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
2.30 pm – Early Close Wednesday


Children are required by law to attend school unless prevented by sickness or other unavoidable causes. Parents must inform the school explaining each and every absence of a child. If possible, please advise the teacher in advance of any absences.

Where no notice is received, the teacher will send home an official Absentee Note for the parent to fill in and return to the school. If absenteeism is a concern, you will be contacted by the school to attend a meeting to discuss ways to improve attendance. Further action will be taken by the Department of Education for excessive, unaddressed absenteeism.

Arrival at School

All students should arrive at school between 08:30 and 08:40 and move straight to their classroom to prepare for the day. Many teachers come early, but they do so to prepare for their lessons. Children should not arrive before 08:30. It is important that parents comply with this request. All children arriving before 08:30 must report to the covered assembly area. Children and/or parents are not to enter classrooms prior to 08:30 unless an appointment has been made with the teacher. 

Arrivals after 08:45 are late and are disruptive to both the individual student and the class as a whole. If a student arrives after 09:00, accompanied or unaccompanied, they must report to the office. The late arrival will be noted before they proceed to class. This procedure allows us to monitor and intervene in cases where patterns of lateness are disrupting the education program.

Leaving School grounds during school hours

The school has responsibility for the care and supervision of children during school hours. Once the children have arrived at school they are not to leave the premises without permission from the Principal. Parents who collect children during school hours must report to the office to sign the child out first. These procedures are for the safety and protection of children.

Accessing and leaving the School

When going to or returning home, children up until year 5 should be accompanied by an adult. For health and parking reasons, we encourage students (and their parents) to walk or ride to and from school. Children should not cross over Cammillo Road. The underpass, purpose built for their safety, should be used by all students if accessing or leaving school in this direction.